The Electrical Marketers Blog

What are the makings of a high-quality link?
Search engine optimisation (SEO) is extremely important when it comes to ensuring that your website achieves a high Search Engine Results Page (SERP) ranking. Websites that rank more highly on search engines tend to achieve a significantly higher volume of clicks than lower-ranked results.

Full vs Fixed Width Website Design
There are two prevalent models of laying out a website, the full width layout and the fixed box layout. This article discusses the pros and cons of each type of layout. Either one can be used to make a successful website layout, as long as you keep usability in mind.

Top Tips on how to optimise your blog posts
Getting your blog posts ranking in search engines is the key to driving traffic to your website.

Optimising images for better SEO results
Search engines send out automated programs called “spiders” that crawl your site and search for what type of content it contains.

How to design a website that generates sales leads
For most companies a website needs to generate leads and enquiries. Here are a few things to bear in mind when building a lead-generating site.